A sea of poppies and other wildflowers
Michelle O'Herron

National Park Service Natural Resource Stewardship and Science Framework: Four pillars to guide natural resource activities and investments

NPS NRSS Framework, Four Pillars, 2016

This framework offers a forward-thinking rationale around which natural resource priorities and investments can be articulated, and provides a basis for current and future strategies. The framework recognizes actions that “hold the line”—those day-to-day natural resource activities in parks that managers must attend to—while embracing the need to equip and position the NPS for an increasingly complex and dynamic future. The framework identifies four pillars that guide the NPS to adapt and respond to continuous change, with a focus on long-term ecological integrity and viability:

  • Holding the Line
  • Managing amid Continuous Change
  • Leveraging for Conservation at Scale
  • Enhancing Stewardship and Science Access and Engagement



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