What We Believe

Our Vision
We envision a California where everyone sees and embraces their role in caring for and sustaining the landscapes that are vital to our collective well-being; where we seek deep understanding and bold collaboration; and where we think, plan, and act beyond our individual boundaries to work at a pace and scale that meets and even exceeds our most pressing challenges.
Our Core Values
We Are All Connected – We work beyond our individual boundaries and push on systemic barriers to create opportunities for deep collaboration and resource sharing that meet the multiple scales of the needs we must address together.
Listening, Understanding, and Adapting – Given the rapid rate of change across natural and human systems, we value science, adaptability, cultural connection, and agility to respond to our ever-evolving understanding of land management and community needs—and actively seek to support and amplify the voices and leadership of BIPOC communities in this work.
Innovation, Invention, and Creative Problem Solving – Embracing inspired problem-solving and innovative ways of thinking, we overcome institutional barriers, deepen our partnerships, reimagine our roles, and explore cutting-edge technologies and paradigms.
Environmental Health Equals Community Health – Recognizing that human wellbeing and ecological health are intertwined, we work across geographical, jurisdictional, and social lines to holistically and collaboratively secure thriving landscapes and resilient ecosystems.
Sense of Place and Belonging – We seek to understand the complex historical and emotional connections that bind individuals and communities with their environments, offering ways to help care for these places and listening to a diversity of communities and partners about how best to do that.
Inclusivity, Relevance, and Empowerment – By encouraging diverse perspectives on common challenges, we strive to empower stakeholders from all backgrounds to actively engage in the movement and derive a shared sense of hope and belonging, listening deeply to historically marginalized voices so that we can build a more just stewardship movement together.
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow – While respecting and building on the efforts of those who came before us, we focus a keen eye on the future by crafting solutions that are smart, cost-effective, and sustainable for generations to come.