Our Work


At the core of what we do is our desire to actively support the broader shift we see happening towards a landscape-scale approach as an essential conservation and stewardship tool. Recognizing that "landscape" not only includes different habitats, but also different communities, sectors, and values, we are deeply committed to building this movement beyond the typical community of practice. In this way it can be more inclusive and culturally relevant, and therefore also stronger and more enduring.

It is essential that we keep learning from and engaging with sectors and communities that conservation practitioners, policymakers, and advocates have historically marginalized, or considered apart from, land conservation. Through the richness that a broader range of perspectives brings, we can co-create a more holistic approach and a more representative network.

Our strategic roadmap for the next few years includes goals that support this paradigm shift. One focus will be to continue to demonstrate the value of stewardship at scale to meet today’s conservation challenges. We will maintain our focus on building relationships with practitioners, funders, policymakers, and other conservation stakeholders to promote landscape stewardship priorities and practices.

Or work is primarily focused in these key areas:

Capacity Building

  • Developing culturally relevant collaborative leadership skills

  • Working to share resources and power with BIPOC communities working in stewardship

  • Measuring the impact of landscape stewardship partnerships

  • Increasing awareness and appreciation of this work and effectively articulating its value to funders, policymakers, and other key stakeholders

Learn more about how we are helping support capacity building for landscape-scale stewardship. 

Peer Exchange

  • Creating opportunities for personal and professional connections and information exchange 

  • Listening to the leadership and amplifying the voices of under-resourced and communities of color to strengthen the stewardship movement

  • Providing a virtual clearinghouse of best practices, agreements, and other resources

  • Working together to identify and solve specific challenges to collaborative landscape-scale stewardship at the federal, state, and local levels

Learn more about our peer exchange and learning efforts.

Shared Problem Solving

  • Developing and improving effective regional data sharing platforms and systems

  • Exploring next steps to increase permitting efficiencies for restoration and environmental stewardship

  • Identifying potential foundation, public funding, and philanthropic support

Learn more about our approach to solving commonly shared challenges in this field, or go directly to our permitting and compliance and policy and funding pages.

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (Healing Severed Connections)

  • Creating tools, approaches, and meaningful conversation that help evolve the work of landscape conservation to be more inclusive, equitable, and culturally relevant

  • Supporting leadership of communities of color and others who have faced disinvestment or have been denied access

  • Healing severed connections among communities and with nature

Learn more about this critical work.