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CLSN 2021 - 2023 Strategic Roadmap


During the fall of 2020, the California Landscape Stewardship Network (CA Network) Steering Committee undertook a process to review Network successes, to assess current needs and opportunities, and to chart a course forward. The Steering Committee relied on several sources for candid feedback and new ideas, including:

  • targeted interviews with Steering Committee members and key CA Network partners/advisers,
  • a Network-wide participants survey, and
  • in-depth discussions among the Steering Committee on key issues.

What we heard was agreement that there are specific areas where the CA Network has been successful as well as opportunities for evolution or growth. One of the key findings was that the CA Network does not act like a formal organization, but rather serves as a platform for people to work together in new ways. Because it works on emergent needs and opportunities, and remains highly adaptive and constantly in process, it needs a “strategic roadmap” rather than a traditional strategic plan. This document provides that roadmap though guidance on how to maintain Network strengths and ways to sustain its ongoing and successful journey. We consider this strategic roadmap to be a living document, and welcome questions, feedback, and further insights from our community of practice and collaborators.



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California Landscape Stewardship Network
6831 Gladys Avenue 
El Cerrito, CA 94530

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