Profile of Mount Tam viewed from across the water
Kirke Wrench

Resources Library

Bay Area Lands, People, and Economy: A Snapshot Report of Green Stimulus Opportunities

May 2020

TOGETHER Bay Area stands in partnership with government leaders to create transformational, enduring economic changes that effectively respond to the crises we face today. Green investments in infrastructure, public lands, natural resource management, and agricultural systems can retain tens of thousands of jobs in the San Francisco Bay Area, and support immediate-term jobs growth, while addressing climate change impacts, which many studies have shown would realize long-term cost savings and community resilience statewide.

TOGETHER Bay Area has conducted a simple, targeted survey of our 56 members to understand how our work currently contributes to the regional jobs market, and how retained, strategic investment in the state budget and a potential stimulus bond would support regional jobs growth, while providing multiple benefits to communities and the environment in the form of clean air, clean water, and access to nature.


Cutting Green Tape March 18 Agenda

California Natural Resources Agency
March 2020

Cutting the Green Tape

 Web Café Roundtable Meeting Agenda

March 18, 2020

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Meeting Goals

Introduce CGT Initiative, including process and timeline, as one of Secretary Crowfoot’s 4 pillars in partnership with other state agencies.   Provide input to develop specific recommendations and next steps to increase efficiencies for permitting restoration. Provide input to develop white paper that identifies actions and outcomes for increasing regulatory efficiencies for natural resource stewardship./details here.


Increasing Regulatory Efficiencies: Ideas for Discussion (pdf)

California Natural Resources Agency
March 2020

Discussion materials for the March 18, 2020 virtual roundtable


Cutting Green Tape White Paper Principles and Outcomes

March 2020

The example principles and outcomes below are representative of the common language, goals, and metrics we’re beginning to develop for the Cutting Green Tape initiative white paper. As you consider the role of the white paper in accomplishing the following four goals, please review this language and think about what resonates with you; what is missing; and how would you add to these elements or revise them? 


Potential Actions to Increase Efficiencies in Permitting Restoration (Excel)

March 2020

Excel table of potential actions to increase efficiencies in restoration permitting


Transforming Environmental Restoration: Progress on the Cutting Green Tape Initiative

California Natural Resources Agency
March 2020

The Cutting Green Tape initiative accelerates the pace and scale of habitat restoration by streamlining and improving government processes. It is a longstanding priority for restoration and conservation communities that has become more important than ever amidst climate change and global biodiversity loss.

For decades, communities, conservation organizations, and public agencies have been stymied by barriers that slow or hinder beneficial restoration activities. In 2019, the California Landscape Stewardship Network and the Administration of Governor Gavin Newsom joined together to take action and reduce or eliminate these barriers. In October 2020, Governor Newsom elevated this priority, directing state agencies through Executive Order to “implement actions to increase the pace and scale of environmental restoration and land management efforts by streamlining the State's process to approve and facilitate these projects.”

The Cutting Green Tape initiative started by bringing together a wide range of agencies and practitioners through in-person workshops to identify challenges to restoration delivery and generate suggested improvements. This effort culminated in a report in November 2020 called Cutting Green Tape: Regulatory Efficiencies for a Resilient Environment, which outlined a set of Cutting Green Tape recommendations. In response, California Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot issued an Implementation Memorandum in January 2021 that directed entities within the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) to take immediate steps to cut green tape.

This report highlights progress in response to Secretary Crowfoot’s directives. It focuses on actions within CNRA and its boards, conservancies, commissions, councils, and departments to implement Cutting Green Tape, which are part of a broader set of improvements underway across other state agencies and nonstate governmental partners.


February 12, 2020 CGT Meeting Notes

California Natural Resources Agency
February 2020

Notes from the February 12, 2020 Cutting Green Tape roundtable meeting. 


Cutting Green Tape Roundtable: Table of Potential Streamlining Actions

California Natural Resources Agency
February 2020

Table of proposed action items and associated themes, tactical approaches, durations, and guidance. Note: This document is a work in progress and will be regularly updated. Current version dated 2/12/20.


Cutting Green Tape Roundtable: Presentation Slides

California Natural Resources Agency
February 2020

156 photos of planning activities, California landscapes, wildlife, and more. (PDF, 37.4 MB)


Cutting Green Tape: Roundtable Agenda

California Natural Resources Agency
February 2020

February 12, 2020
California State Railroad Museum, Sacramento CA

Meeting Goals

  1. Introduce CGT Initiative, including process and timeline, as one of Secretary Crowfoot’s 4 pillars in partnership with other state agencies.
  2. Develop and identify specific recommendations, tactics, mechanisms, and next steps to advance potential actions for increasing regulatory efficiencies.
  3. Obtain input on the development of a white paper, to be completed by Earth Day, that identifies actionable and achievable outcomes for increasing regulatory efficiencies for natural resource stewardship.


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California Landscape Stewardship Network
6831 Gladys Avenue 
El Cerrito, CA 94530

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